Upcoming Farm Events
Sunbow Seminar Series 2025
Join us this summer to learn by listening, sharing
and doing!
Cost: $20 each. Limit 10 people per class. Sign up to attend by sending an email to: kristina@sunbowfarm.com or text 715.379.7284
Grow Your Own Mushrooms
We will have everything you need to start your own mushroom logs and bring them home. Choose from several tree species and mushroom varieties. Finished logs are 4 ft long.
Wednesday, April 23: 5:30-7 pm
Take Your Gardening to the Next Level!
Make your great garden even better! This is a question and answer class. Attendees submit questions about plant selection, soil preparation, fertilizers, pests, or other garden issues before the date. The class discussion and activities will be shaped by those questions.
Thursday, May 1: 6-7:30 pm
Seed Saving
Have a plant you love and want to grow again next year? Learn some of the tricks of the trade to saving seeds that are viable and breed true the following year.
Sunday, July 27: 4-5:30 pm
Preserving the Harvest
Review the advantages and disadvantages of the several ways to preserve the extra bounty of summer. We discuss techniques to simplify and make this task fun.
Monday, August 12: 6-7:30 pm
Bringing Your Plants in for Winter
Dreading the end of the growing season? Learn which plants you can successfully bring inside for winter and how to keep them thriving during the cold, dark days.
Sunday, September 14: 4–5:30 pm
Start your garden off right with our big, beautiful, organically-grown vegetable, herb and flower starts!
For more information, suggestions or requests Contact Us
Pre-orders for 2025 are now closed. E-mail ellenwynkoop@gmail.com if you'd like receive the announcement for next year's sale. Orders are accepted in February and early March. Any extra plants will be available for sale at the May 10 farm stand from 9-11 am.